

>2010 June 03. So this is on Google. One moron too many found here something about how great he is for breathing. Some marclars of marclar constitute marclaric marclar under a marclar and the tards got on. Here's an easy fish to fish in a sea of fishes where every fish is the biggest fish: (or, in any case, at least the most peculiarly adjusted to his particular condition fish)
>>Find me somebody who can eat the blog for lunch in a single bite and you will die filthy rich.
>>>Or, you could steal two dollars or just cut the cheese. Intelligently smile! (Easy, like you don't care - practice makes perfect.)


Time to READ the blog: much under 1 h.
Time to THINK the blog: just under 3 seconds.
Ideal time to THINK the blog: 350 ms. (Write me !! I need you.)
Ideal time to THINK the blog, absolute resonance cascade: under 50 ms.

This text is a synergetic synthesis. The reader must collide all parts,
the results between them and with all previous parts, repeat.
The flat bed would take thousands of pages. This is about 50.
For IQs below 160:
I guess you can't make it anyway, below 160 there is no will or consciousness.
For IQs > 160:
You must find the order that does the synthesis for you.
When the materials combine into completely new/updated forms
and the original layer is superseded, it should come in your mind
without much engagement once the process is started.
That's when you got it. Sink into it. That's what I'm communicating.


This blog's nature is technical and speculative.


My ARBITRARY DECISION = final factor / existence of COMMENTS.

NOBODY has the right to get OFFENDED or GRATIFIED by this blog.
Leave this blog now if you might get offended by anything.


QUICK NAVIGATION: {Defunct function}
Use browser's search function:

USEd 2 make easier connections.
GOHERE [X] may be used in several places.

GOHERE: General - THE TOP or END of ROW.
------> Particular - THE WORDS.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

•17POST • Empiric Definition of Nervous Human Entity

There is you. There is your perception. There is outer reality.

Organization: outer reality, us.

Organization of us: perception, us.
deeper: senses, perception, us, memory.


outerreality - eyes - [shell - sensorial existence - sensorial separate mix - perception - remembrance - thought - id - thought - remembrance - memory -]

->outerreality - i knew it.

->eyes - eyes, ears, penis/clitoris, skin, stomach, etc.

->shell - like the eye tunic. the non-receptor nervous system. (! transcendental class, may or may not exist, doesn't make any difference.)

->sensorial existence - the carnal MOVEMENT coming from the things you touch, see, hear
(!warning hearing has intricate levels of segmentation), smell, etc. !! Alhtough taste,
smell, and the others may be felt only AFTER SOME processing, 100% of the signal input
is existent into the id at all stages.

->sensorial separate mix - the mix of information inside the particular sense. eye
information mixes, clitoris information mixes, hand information mixes, hearing info
mixes, etc.
-this is where you are. you are nowhere else. the ego is felt by itself ONLY in pure
conscience states or pieces of conscience, else is inaccessible to itself. the ego is
a small channel that fills itself with the constant FLOW of sensorial perception mixes.
-disco level feeling cannot be analyzed deeper than this level - all other pieces should
be analyzed as made of fragments taken from the continuous present of this structure -
the sensorial separate mix.

->perception - this is already behind you. it's closer to memory and further from the
eye - you are in the middle.
-perception must be projected into the sensorial separate mix in order to be put into
noumenal awareness. - it requires positive effort.

->remembrance - this is a layer of memory. a buffer.

->thought - this comes from remembrance both ways. there are modifiers of signal properties
that make the "wave length", speed, everything so that it fits into the slow processing
paths of thought.

->id - this is a phreatic web into the thought tables and the brain; it's kernel is in
the thought tables, it's body extends in the WHOLE nervous system.
-the id is the highest intesity of everything & anything in the brain. you identify
yourself with 1,2 : 1.with the highest intensity that exists in your brain, 2. with
all highest intensities in the brain.

stoopid people identify with the sensorial mix. their sublime is reached by having the
sensorial mix EQUALED with the sensorial existence = their sublime is reached when
internal diversity is nullified in the id.

->remembrance - permeable buffers around thought, separating thought of all else.

->memory - long term lasting impressionable tissue with charge.

memory - some things and stuff

the charge can be rewritten by accessing the same phenomenal identity. this is how you
remove memory.
memory is a permeable to action plane, into which you plant all brain content.
graphix: (___|__|___|___|_____|__|__|_|_|__|_) .

everything is connected to memory, including all reflexes.

mem works like this: Planting: an evolving signal goes into selective + [((transcendental
identity) dependent) ({random] chosen) paths}, and incidentally "marks" the ground.
Recovering: a signal, that has a noumenal identity that already "marked" the memory
tissues, if hits one of the paths that the previous signal touched then INJECTS it's
ENERGY into it, resulting into REMEMBERING = source amplification into conscience =
mark entering into the id, etc.

End of table descriptions

ZO. The particular process of nervous human identity

outer reality absolute structure, granularized -> eye and other receptor filters -> energy pass in the form of marks, to the shell -> sensorial carved energy containers -> sensorial s.eparate m.ix of c.arved e.nergy c.ontainers -> s.m.c.e.c. faced against memory, producing o.bjects f.or p.erception -> o.f.p. faced with buffers objects, resulting in i.nterest o.bjects -> i.o. faced with purpose modules & artistic active map, resulting in V.alue O.bjects of I.nterest of 2 kinds: 1) p.urpose v.o.i. AND 2) A.rtistic v.o.i. -> p.&a. v.o.i. face thought, resulting in d.ecision p.a.v.o.i. -> p.a.v.o.i. face now kinetic action and, again, thought, repeating the process until situation is satisfactory or all buffers get filled with other objects -> if situation is satisfactory/unsatisfactory the proper yes/no tag is put to the objects and by release of shock energy they are stored into long term memory. <__REPEAT.

The same thing wrapped:
outer reality absolute structure, granularized -> eye and other receptor filters -> energy
pass in the form of marks, to the shell -> sensorial carved energy containers -> sensorial
s.eparate m.ix of c.arved e.nergy c.ontainers -> s.m.c.e.c. faced against memory, producing
o.bjects f.or p.erception -> o.f.p. faced with buffers objects, resulting in i.nterest o.bjects
-> i.o. faced with purpose modules & artistic active map, resulting in V.alue O.bjects of
I.nterest of 2 kinds: 1) p.urpose v.o.i. AND 2) A.rtistic v.o.i. -> p.&a. v.o.i. face thought,
resulting in d.ecision p.a.v.o.i. -> p.a.v.o.i. face now kinetic action and, again, thought,
repeating the process until situation is satisfactory or all buffers get filled with other
objects -> if situation is satisfactory/unsatisfactory the proper yes/no tag is put to the
objects and by release of shock energy they are stored into long term memory. <__ REPEAT.

The universal process of nervous human identity

This blog is built from zero to last thing as a general identity of something. All
particular objects are transformable into universal objects and general categorical
thinking just by munching the blog from start to finish.
All posts are universal objects when looked from the left and phenomenal support
for the last objects if looked from the right. This will break, as the blog is a
research for unity, not a display of perfection.