•13POST • Active Objects
care: - nu determina nimic din lumea tangibila.
- nu se constituie din ceva anume.
- se aseaza singur la locul lui in lumea in care e.
- esenta lui ii e actiune de facut.
- apare si atunci: creste singur, se infasoara intr-o cochilie si exercita actiunea sa asupra
-------->cochilia: il sustine, il deplaseaza, absoarbe socuri si energii.
- actiunea sa: obiectul este format din actiunea sa, plus cochilie.
- structura: structura i-e data de actiunea sa.
- dimensiunea existenta: fenomen material in creier; noumen in univers; noumen in interdimensiuni;
- identitatea sa: interdimensional, in creier, universala, este o structura noumenala. nu se
pregateste obiectul pentru ceva ci actioneaza acolo unde poate; identitatea sa este data de
putinta sa de activitate in sine, fiind echivalenta cu cele din diferitele dimensiuni, dimensiunea
din creier, dimensiunea universala, dimensiunea universal-temporala, universal-atemporala, etc.
which: - does not determine anything in the tangible world.
- is not constituted of certain something.
- takes it's place alone in the world that is.
- it's essence is it's action to be done.
- it appears and then: it grows by itself, it wraps in a shell and exercises it's action to
the exterior.
-------> the shell: it is a hardened extension of itself, it sustains it, it moves it, it
-------->absorbs shocks and energy.
- it's action: the object is made by it's action alone, plus the shell spatial extension.
- structure: it's structure is given by it's action.
- it's dimension: material phenomenon in the brain; noumen in the universe; noumen in the
- it's identity: interdimensional, in the brain, universal; it is a noumenal structure. it does not
change it's identity in order to fit, it just acts where it can. it's identity is given by it's
potential of activity in itself, potential that is being equivalent with all the ones from the
different dimensions, the dimension from the brain, the dimension that is universal, the
dimension that is universal-temporal, the dimension that is universal-atemporal, etc.
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