

>2010 June 03. So this is on Google. One moron too many found here something about how great he is for breathing. Some marclars of marclar constitute marclaric marclar under a marclar and the tards got on. Here's an easy fish to fish in a sea of fishes where every fish is the biggest fish: (or, in any case, at least the most peculiarly adjusted to his particular condition fish)
>>Find me somebody who can eat the blog for lunch in a single bite and you will die filthy rich.
>>>Or, you could steal two dollars or just cut the cheese. Intelligently smile! (Easy, like you don't care - practice makes perfect.)


Time to READ the blog: much under 1 h.
Time to THINK the blog: just under 3 seconds.
Ideal time to THINK the blog: 350 ms. (Write me !! I need you.)
Ideal time to THINK the blog, absolute resonance cascade: under 50 ms.

This text is a synergetic synthesis. The reader must collide all parts,
the results between them and with all previous parts, repeat.
The flat bed would take thousands of pages. This is about 50.
For IQs below 160:
I guess you can't make it anyway, below 160 there is no will or consciousness.
For IQs > 160:
You must find the order that does the synthesis for you.
When the materials combine into completely new/updated forms
and the original layer is superseded, it should come in your mind
without much engagement once the process is started.
That's when you got it. Sink into it. That's what I'm communicating.


This blog's nature is technical and speculative.


My ARBITRARY DECISION = final factor / existence of COMMENTS.

NOBODY has the right to get OFFENDED or GRATIFIED by this blog.
Leave this blog now if you might get offended by anything.


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------> Particular - THE WORDS.


Monday, December 04, 2006

•1POST • 7 levels of evolution in humans

1 Post


Use browser's search function:
This is used to make easier connections, not for index. GOHERE [X] may be used in several places.

GOHERE: General - THE END of ROW.
Particular - THE WORDS.

NOTE: In my texts, sometimes, the CONTENT is written to be VERY EASY to read FAST and COMPREHEND.

Let's go on.


The 7 levels of evolution in humans.

->Superiority is by potential: density(existence), intensity(movement), and by
consistency: consistent REFLECTION (everything !, including this right here! -
because you're reading it).

-------> NOTE: Movement has no speed and intensity; movement is caracterised by
{GOHERE 4} a separate universe, like every object, so: absoluteuniversal DENSITY
is the normal INTENSITY of movement, while it's speed is the (at a terminological level)
intensity. That way we cut out existence and movement to 2 things instead of 3.
{GOHERE 4} WORD: Compression.

->Physics superiority is given and has no merit.
->Psychic superiority is given and has no merit.

->The fight for superiority is actually the struggle for COMPLETE psychic entities
and for physic resource needed for cyclic transformation

The Levels:

NOTE: Ordering connotes or suggests evolution direction.


Existence: the whole - the parts.(=--=)(=--=)(=--=)(=--=)
Evolution: the parts, - new Whole. ---=--=)(=--=------=--=)(=--=------=--=)
Existence is continuing stable form action.
Evolution is natural evolution of subsumable parts. (!not macro orientation of volition)
Existence: you are what you know. - Knowledge.
Evolution: your parts that evolve. - Technical abilities.


->0 the eternal; it is some sort of matter. It can not be known (because knowledge means exact reproduction minus the repeating stuff (as 3points for a corner and 2 for a line, while the rest is history), but it can be completely simulated (for an infinitely short interval of evolution). Matter and action are both elements of the eternal, but they are not constituent elements, as the eternal can shift into them, but it is unitary and thus can not be composed by them.
->1noumen -------> 4phenomen
->2metaphysic ---> 5metaphysic
->3empiric ------> 3empiric

Stuff END

0 Level

1.knowledge: Draft.
2.-- Technical abilities: phenomen.unstructured^empiric.sequence.images

1 Level

1.knowledge: a.phenomen.non^teleologic^structure.empiric.sequence.images
|----------->b.-- Criticism. ex.(Kantian criticism.)
2.-> Technical abilities: a.phenomen.non^teleologic^structure.empiric.sequence.images
------------------------->b. -- phenomen.teleologic^structure.empiric.sequence.images --- phenomen.teleologic^structure.empiric.sequence.images[(1_ TIME-COPY->, 2_)(1_noumen.metaphysic.sequence.images.)_(2_phenomen.metaphysic.sequence.images)]
------------------------->c. -- phenomen.teleologic^structure.empiric.sequence.images ---- phenomen.teleologic^structure.empiric.sequence.images{[1_, TIME-COPY(2,3,...N)->, 2_, 3_][1_noumen.metaphysic.sequence.images.]_[2_phenomen.metaphysic.sequence.images.#0-1 Scale#]_[3_phenomen.metaphysic.empirical.sequence.images.#1-max. Scale#]}

2 Level

1.knowledge: Unilateral doctrine. Doctrine DEF.: A system explaining all existence from a teleologic metaphysic point of view, including: directions, system of values, goals, problems and solutions.
2.-- Technical abilities: All 1 Level, but highly emancipated.

3 Level

1.knowledge: Unilateral doctrine. Executed perfect. Perfectly balanced, detailed and implemented.
2.-- Technical abilities: All 1 Level, but absolutely emancipated.

4 Level

1.knowledge: (Perfect unilateral doctrine)Universalized.

1.Technical abilities: noumen.metaphysic.phenomen.metaphysic.structure.empiric.sequence.images{[1_, TIME-COPY>-(2,3,...N)->, 2_, 3_][1_noumen.metaphysic.sequence.images.]_[2_phenomen.metaphysic.sequence.images.#0-1 Scale#]_[3_phenomen.metaphysic.empirical.sequence.images.#1-max. Scale#]}

2.(Complete elaboration is:) Existence. Total.-- NOTE: everything, anything, all and nothing is homogeneously mixed with the module (note with X): |noumen.metaphysic.phenomen.metaphysic.structure.empiric.sequence.images{[1_, TIME-COPY>-(2,3,...N)->, 2_, 3_][1_noumen.metaphysic.sequence.images.]_[2_phenomen.metaphysic.sequence.images.#0-1 Scale#]_[3_phenomen.metaphysic.empirical.sequence.images.#1-max. Scale#]}|

----------->the X module suffers the transformation of the primary category of existence, {GOHERE 4} each primary category of existence being transformed into noumenal, automatically and/or at will, and also constituting a separate universe (each and every noumenal joint).

----------->|X| = noumen.metaphysic.phenomen.metaphysic.structure.empiric.sequence.images{[1_, TIME-COPY>-(2,3,...N)->, 2_, 3_][1_noumen.metaphysic.sequence.images.]_[2_phenomen.metaphysic.sequence.images.#0-1 Scale#]_[3_phenomen.metaphysic.empirical.sequence.images.#1-max. Scale#]}
------------------------------>.noumen--.metaphysic.structure.empiric.sequence.images{[1_, TIME-COPY>-(2,3,...N)->, 2_, 3_][1_noumen.metaphysic.sequence.images.]_[2_phenomen.metaphysic.sequence.images.#0-1 Scale#]_[3_phenomen.metaphysic.empirical.sequence.images.#1-max. Scale#]}
---------------------------------------------------->.noumen .empiric.images{[1_, TIME-COPY>-(2,3,...N)->, 2_, 3_][1_noumen.metaphysic.sequence.images.]_[2_phenomen.metaphysic.sequence.images.#0-1 Scale#]_[3_phenomen.metaphysic.empirical.sequence.images.#1-max. Scale#]}

The evolution goes into infinite numbers of vortexes that have the same identity and are interchangeable at a metaphysical level, micro or macrocosmic. At a physical level, (empiric knowledge), each identity, on the fact that it is noumenal empiric, keeps its constituent elements through evolution, but in order for this to be reflected into conscience the conscience needs to consist entirely from vortexes FROM BEFORE that. Otherwise things seem to appear from the blue sky in our minds, as noumenal identities from the brain, being different, do not get in touch, not being able to be decomposed from vortexes that are not there. (there MUST be some common element so that information in the brain can be inter-connected: teachers and grammar professors use symbols (as words), mental engineering uses vortexes of metaphysical identities.)

---->Notes on 4 Level

->4 existence is not conceptual, nor energetic. The brain content UNIT is noumenal, it carries sense and is in itself energy. There is no more sense than energy, and no less.
->The brain content UNIT is, in time, adapting it's form to the point where all nervous system functions are accessible to the conscience peak.
-> has no really separate structures. All structures are identical copies of the single system, organised like the sub-structure of the single system. {GOTO 2} {find: GOHERE 2}
->The explains and sustains absolute sober human existence. Other, extensive, systems explain and sustain the aditional existence through modules identical to the single system, minus {GOHERE 3} the absolute core.

$-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $
B-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $
A--The (2_) category structures and phenomena contain the majority of the systematic organised potentials of the human nervous system. NOTE: thinking this at a metaphysical level leaves no place to FEEL or IMAGINE that order whatsoever. It must BE THERE, ALLREADY EXIST, YOU-MUST-HAVE_IT !-- $
R--The (3_) category structures and phenomena have no right to prescribe laws. When the intensity becomes noticeable the structures will be deconstructed or transformed to idiosyncrasies.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $
B--The (3_) category structures and phenomena contain ALL THE SENSORIAL, either originating from the peripheral nervous system, perception, memory or thought or anything else.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $
E-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $
D-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $

Little bit about me.

{GOHERE 2} (More specifically at the end of the next row.)
->Everything in .me is at level 4. Everything I think and do is at level 4. (..AND DO ?!?!? Now you're saing to yourself... but wait! I've got the answers: a. I am not a god simply because thinking is not doing but reflecting - which is useless compared to the will of the all-mighty universe, or mono-theistic gods, etc..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------) Everything in me is decomposed because all the power has been taken by a small nucleus (the absolute core - {GOTO 3}) that dissapeared at a critical time, because I got physically exhausted (neural). {GOTO 1} {find: GOHERE 1}
--------------------------------------------------------------------------->(------------------------------------------------------------------------------ b. Reality is an illusion and what I do is at level 4 because unfinished business is what it WILL be, not what it is at half-way. So I'm doing perfectly. The antithesis lays in another universe, so don't bother to contradict me without understanding: {GOTO 4} (to all the GOHERE 4) )
--------------------------------------------------------------------------->(------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c. So everything is at level 4 because.... tadaa: existence is A-TEMPORAL !! (APPLAUSE !! the crowd is in delirium ! HURRAY !)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)

5 Level

->Vegetative functions are accesible at 5 Level.

->Special states of functioning become accessible to will.
->Internal organs and their functions become accessible to sense and will.
->Different parts of the brain and their role in functioning of the being become
----->Separate training of brain areas becomes possible.
----->Diagnosis of affected brain areas becomes possible without RMN (nuclear magnetic
----->resonance) :) !!

->Sleep and awake states slowly emerge (At will.)
->Energy consumption efficiency increases colossally.
->It would be so cool to realease or inhibit the release of ADRENALINE at will ! :)

6 Level

->The control over nervous system and physical evolution increases dramatically.
->Pain can be greatly reduced in intesity.
->No drugs needed anymore.
->Lucid dreaming; meditative states at glance. Psychoanalysis heaven.
->Social understanding and control beyond the dreams of fools.

7 Level

->And, yes, there is even complete control over the body.
----->Ex.: Complicated algorithms that code the entry to certain functions, such as
----->pulse, tension, muscular processes, endocrine glands, kidneys, digestion, etc.
------------->I believe it would be possible to create a heart-attack and even stop
------------->it quickly before it's too late.

->Infinite control over informational processes is up there, one could train himself
to be a mathematic wizard 4 example, giving up other abilities.
->Pain, regardless of intensity, can be instantly or pre-conditioned reduced to the point
of a simple signal.