

>2010 June 03. So this is on Google. One moron too many found here something about how great he is for breathing. Some marclars of marclar constitute marclaric marclar under a marclar and the tards got on. Here's an easy fish to fish in a sea of fishes where every fish is the biggest fish: (or, in any case, at least the most peculiarly adjusted to his particular condition fish)
>>Find me somebody who can eat the blog for lunch in a single bite and you will die filthy rich.
>>>Or, you could steal two dollars or just cut the cheese. Intelligently smile! (Easy, like you don't care - practice makes perfect.)


Time to READ the blog: much under 1 h.
Time to THINK the blog: just under 3 seconds.
Ideal time to THINK the blog: 350 ms. (Write me !! I need you.)
Ideal time to THINK the blog, absolute resonance cascade: under 50 ms.

This text is a synergetic synthesis. The reader must collide all parts,
the results between them and with all previous parts, repeat.
The flat bed would take thousands of pages. This is about 50.
For IQs below 160:
I guess you can't make it anyway, below 160 there is no will or consciousness.
For IQs > 160:
You must find the order that does the synthesis for you.
When the materials combine into completely new/updated forms
and the original layer is superseded, it should come in your mind
without much engagement once the process is started.
That's when you got it. Sink into it. That's what I'm communicating.


This blog's nature is technical and speculative.


My ARBITRARY DECISION = final factor / existence of COMMENTS.

NOBODY has the right to get OFFENDED or GRATIFIED by this blog.
Leave this blog now if you might get offended by anything.


QUICK NAVIGATION: {Defunct function}
Use browser's search function:

USEd 2 make easier connections.
GOHERE [X] may be used in several places.

GOHERE: General - THE TOP or END of ROW.
------> Particular - THE WORDS.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

•2POST • Bricks

The whole universe in each thing and each thing, at a time, in the whole brain.
Then reconstruction of the universe, piece by piece, into a smooth and even image,
all parts corresponding to the general image of the universe. Then observation of
variations leads to the identity of the knowledge system. Then we rebuild the
knowledge system perfectly and grasp, for the first time, the whole and undistorted
image of the universe.

1. Start.
1.1 Sobriety, interruption, the flow manifesto. ANOTHER VIEW TO THE PROBLEM: About concepts, about perfect cognition
concepts, concepts to active principles, impossibility of correctly explaining the evolution, dinamics.


• We must study the particle or ensemblement that has any and all characters that
can be found in the whole universe. One entirety leads to another, and finally
everything is understood.

• For applied, pragmatic knowledge operations we should achieve PERFECT cognition
first, because then we will have the essence of everything into the unity of
knowledge's perfection and into the unity of it's sub-but equal-parts. Knowledge is
the richest source of phenomena in the universe.

• Distinctions: Perfection is a confuse concept. There are two stages in perfection.
The first stage is where the brain executes the algorithms that ensure that each and
every cell of conscionable information is in total correspondence to it's object. The
second stage of perfection is where the brain executes the necessary algorithms that
provide to each informational cell the complete containment of any and all components
of the complete general cognition system and the metaphysical system corresponding to
the somatic functions.
(Simple:objective perfection + infinite proliferation of perfection within itself
and exteriour + ,and last, the active state of the system of the functions that compose
the carnal somatic system's project.)


About sobriety and simplicity of portraying the ways of building a cognition system

Note: Referring to the Critique of Pure Reason, somebody, I don't remember who, maybe
Kant himself, said that many books would actually be much shorter if they where longer.

• When I see a particle, I see myself seeing a particle. That particle helps me to
understand the most sober of my possible mental configurations.
--------->If I would work with more than one particle, they would mix, as time passes,
and identity would be lost.
--------->If I would work without any particles, the brain would not meet it's somatic
function - working with the exteriour.

About interruption in evolution, and it's eschewal.

• Cognition is a material mechanism and it must be BUILT with ONE brick at a time.
ELSE: the definitions would mix and purity would remain a dream. Further, at the second
level of cognitive PERFECTION development the behavior of the self-developer follows
a trajectory that servers no immediate visible purpose and, furthermore it does not
have any purpose in itself other than serving APPEARANCES inside a system having the
purpose of learning itself as it exists while exercising it's functions.
THIS MEANS that in building a cognition system the conditions are rough, and logic
seems to the exteriour observer to be broken.

The flow manifesto:
• In fact, fundaments create FLOWS that cannot be broken JUST TO BE EXPLAINED to
innocent bystanders and insistently demanding arrogant FOOLS; as they need to create
a NEW CONSCIENCE in the process of their building. Conscience which is their direct
result, and which works with the NEW SYSTEMS that are created, which DO NOT follow the
old LOGIC that CREATED them, but EVOLVE TOTALLY THE OLD LOGIC from imperfection,
destroing it first, at a certain moment, creating the NEW LOGIC AFTERWARDS, in the time
of this FLOWS. BY mental noumenal processes HABIT !only!. At a later, completeness
state, the system will be able to reveal it's logic to minimum Level 1 B developed
(This means that if one's stupid he sees more misunderstood geniuses than actually exist.)

The protection of the presence of the flow manifesto:
• SO The flows that I'm talking about are different from what a written document
explaining them are. But the absolute state of my thought, as I have reached absolute
thinking a long time ago, makes me temporarily unable to make distinctions between the
various ways of expressing yourself. This is the main reason for which I BLOG philosophy
too, instead of putting it to some site. I'm not having a discourse here, I'm just
writing down the content of my mind. I need the flow manifesto to protect me from
formality and sense. This is what I'm made of. I was a normal human a long time ago,
about 4000 years ago as I harshly calculated once, comparing to the evolvement of
average individuals. But now I'm a decrepit walking dead. SO this is what I'm made of,
this is the way I function, this is the way I'm going to find my peace and social
results, or not. Whatever what, this is what happens inside my mind (in fact, merely
a spectrum of it).

About Concepts.

• First of all, all NEW (noumenal - i mean real, objective, universal absolute,
clear, both subjective and objective, transparent, permanent, eternal) concepts
take birth through PROLONGED existence of their coresponding noumenal ACTION IN
THE BRAIN. IT FOLLOWS that more than 90% of the concepts that un-enlightened man
use ARE in fact obscure, fugitive, combinations of really present concepts that
their conscience never has an opportunity to clearly grasp.

• Definition part
• ===============

• The brain, in a synthetic enviroenment (the mind), keeps in itself the synthetic,
a-posteriori, incidental mix of elements, that (combined in the world in front of
the eyes in the same way, produce a perceptible result) is symbolically connected
with the respective mix. The connection is made after some time, while proving it's
validity through REPETITION.
• This turns into a concept.

• Definition part END
• ===================

One would argue that only systems have concepts and a simple connection can not turn
into a concept. The brute reality of the mind shows that any noumenal MARK of reality
INTO the brain acts as a concept, because it is already integrated into a system - the
apriorically active NERVOUS SYSTEM.

The identity of concepts (as in my own systems), taken as the first snapshot of a state
of matter inside the brain (at this complexity level - only your own brain), is not
communicable, outside or inside your own mind, unless by a direct noumenal wave of
LEVEL 4 energy.

• Definition part: about Perfect Cognition Concepts
• =================================================

• Cognition is the system that finds the absolute universal, noumenal, value of a concept
and transforms it into an ACTIVE PRINCIPLE inside itself(it-cognition). Cognition is not
a reflection of the absolute truth of the universe. Cognition is an absolute reflection
of the principles that make the human being; those principles extracted from concepts
and turned into an active material system that simulates the WHOLE human being.
• So there are no concepts into Knowledge. Only active principles, that are either active
or not at all. Otherwise they are stored into static long-time memory into the old
conceptual formal form, in a format available to quick access. The active principles are
also stored in intermediate states spread and scattered everywhere.

• Definition part: about Perfect Cognition Concepts END
• =====================================================

Concept to active principle.

• On the road of transforming concept into action that LIVES INSIDE YOU and hits the
right spot and ONLY the right spot at the right time AND ONLY at the right time -there
is no place at that time to explain what happens, -because empiric expansion of the
internal NEW reality into the VERY EMPIRIC buffers of SPEAKING AND EXPLAINING AND
developing itself at that time.

• Further on, IF the analysis of those processes is NOT an OFFICIAL study that will be
served to the philosophical (in the year 2006 a study like this is to be made for
the:international)comunity THEN the actual transformation from concept to wave inside
the mechanical material cognition system is NEVER to be covered in detail.

About dinamics of evolution

• The only way a not official path into my systems is to be expressed is a completly
dynamical way. A receiver should BREATHE, LIVE, UNDERSTAND DIRECTLY, FEEL, EXIST the
things that I communicate. FROM START TO FINISH.
• This is NOT philosophy, it's MENTAL ENGINEERING, which is ACTING, NOT REFLECTING.

• Sadly, the material, mechanical, noumenal, cognition system CANNOT be build by making
use of CONCEPTS and TRAINING. It is a meeting with THE ABSOLUTE, which, as thaught by
millenia of philosophy, is ALREADY IN OURSELVES.

• Mental engineering is to be DONE, not learned. It's not a science, it's the way of the
super-human (Level 5,6,7. Yoga has it's field here, for example).

• The normal man thinks. The superiour man does. He integrates exhilarative THINKING into
the harmony of nature's RAW action. The thought can evolve for ever if meaning keeps being
coded smaller and smaller into information cells. Things get so easy that your entire life
disappears; after this your brain is completly free. But this means experience disappears
too. So the only power in your life remains that of computation. Forever young and innocent...
or harsh, severe and chameleonic, as to retain public character.
[GOD help us keep our identity when we have complete vision over the lie. The only possibility
of fall of the super human lays in his ventral disgust over his fellow, and in the ultimate
sin of Zarathustra.]

Yoda: Do, there is no try, just DO !

Kant: The man is always gonna BE blessed, he never IS blessed.
Nietzsche: Also sprach Zarathustra.

Scorpions: Send me an angel

Wise man said just walk this way
To the dawn of the light

Wind will blow into your face
As the years pass you by

Hear this voice from deep inside
Its the goal of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
Passage out of the dark




Above the neutron, proton and electron.
So above the atom and including it.

The absolute dimension is made of:

Density, volume, aggregation state, potentials, differences of potentials, tension,

We have :


------> 1.Density.
------> 2.Volume.
------> 3-3-3... agregation state

II. -> (4.) MOVES (It's happening, takes place, etc.)

·················This process can happen.································································

Potential = Density, or "Density MOVING"(or continuing).


Difference of potential = when a potential MAKES a difference.

Difference of potential = Two Different Densities that are put in connection.

You connect potentials partially, they make a partial difference.

There exists no difference of potential if two potentials do not touch.

OBS: The tree from the forest emits sound when it breaks and falls, but you are not
there to hear it.


Two different potentials (densities or intensities) touched Generate FLOW, that is, TENSION.

2.EXISTENCE, MOVEMENT, POTENTIALS, FROZEN TIME·····························································
3·EXISTENCE, MOVEMENT, DIFFERENCE OF POTENTIALS····························································

Knowledge: __________________
Reality - object: <-> Mental - reflection.object.

• Real objects must be physically dissected and their internal strucure must be integrally
understood and learned, precisely. Approximation is used if necessary, in order to conserve
energy, WITHOUT breaking the integrity of the mental processes because of approximation.

• The knowledge system itself must be built with a noumenal copy of the absolute object as
the brick.

• The absolute object
• ===================

• The absolute object does not exist in any empiric realm.
• The absolute object exists only in the realm of the noumen.metaphysic . An inexistent
realm, lost between the moment of FIRST EVER acquiring awareness and the one getting the
next first perception, discovered by extreme mastering of synthesis (and extreme only).
• I'm not religious at all, and I consider the "absolute object" kind of stuff as
ubiquitous, but simply highly esoteric.

• The absolute object is the particle or ensemblement that has any and all characters that
can be found in the whole universe. It appertaines solely to subjective existence and is
treated like an absolute objective one, as all from it's category. If it is hard for you
to understand this you might wanna get out of here.

• OBS.: Kantian Criticism is UNFOUNDED. While one of the greatest achievements of man
(and my personal bible), it is confuzed and presents no factual reality. A factual reality
is the reality that is entirely made of mechanisms that EACH ONE of them CAN and WILL put
KNOWLEDGE or PERFECT ORDER, relating to any FACT comprising it's EXISTENCE, anywhere it's
existence is put into question.
------>A factual reality is the reality including, in some form, god.
P.S. Reality is perfection. Stones are perfect. Philosophy that does not reach - is
faulty. THE MAN is the purpose of ALL THINGS. As much as truth can be contradicted,
considering the case of idiots too, THERE IS NO TRUTH.

P.S.2: Kantian Criticism is founded. They were just that stupid back then, that was the

P.S.3: I am very politically correct, I disrespect the rule because I respect it. The
higher the respect the higher the destruction of useless ballast in my mind. Things are
clear, so I keep 1_2_1_2_ structures and destroy 3_ empiric ballast.